How to win slot machines in online casinos

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Slot machines are not only about fun but also about money. Favorite gambling entertainment can bring income. Read our article to learn how to win at online casinos.

Some players in an attempt to win money try to cheat the casino. But in return, they get not a prize, but the blocking of the account. You can honestly win at slots by following the recommendations of experts proven in practice.

Choose slots with high RTP

There is an indicator that determines the profitability of a slot – RTP (Return to Play). Choose games with a return rate of at least 96%. Then on a long distance, you will be able to return almost all the money invested, and if you are lucky – get a profit on top.

Pay attention to the variance of the slot

Another important criterion for choosing a slot machine is the variance, which determines the level of risk in the game. It can be low, medium, and high.

Slots with low variance are “givens”. In them you will often win, but in small amounts. The risks of losing your bankroll are minimal, as it is supported by regular payouts.

High-dispersion slots have a low hit rate. But if you smile at luck, the size of the winnings will be impressive and will pay off all previous investments.

Machines with medium dispersion are characterized by a moderate degree of risk. In the fall winnings of different amounts and with different frequencies.

Play for bonuses

Betting in slots can be done not only for real money but also for bonuses. This is convenient and profitable, because if the bonus spin turns out to be a loss, you will not lose anything, and if on the contrary – get the winnings. Once the wagering conditions are met, it will become available for withdrawal.

Usually, casinos give bonuses to new players, such as Levelup. After registration and verification on the site, several free spins of small denominations are waiting for them. Bonuses can also be received for participating in promotions, playing in tournaments, and activating promo codes.

Adhere to the principles of bankroll management

Playing slots usually gives profit over a long distance. To reach it, you need to properly manage the bankroll. The principles of bankroll management will help in this. The main one is that the size of the bankroll should correspond to the player’s capabilities. It can be calculated by the following formula:

Bet size * Number of spins per hour * Number of playing hours * 0.2

Another basic principle is the continuous monitoring of the account status. As soon as the loss or profit reaches the set limit, it is necessary to stop playing.

Set the allowable value of “naked” spins

Do not continue to play the slot, in which every other spin is unsuccessful. Set in advance an acceptable number of losing outcomes in a row, after which switch to a new game. This tactic will allow you to screen out non-deliberate slots and, as a result, often make winning bets in slot machines.

The limit of spins should be in the range of 7-15. If less, you will have to change machines often. If more, there is a risk of losing a lot of money.

Test slots in the demo version

Before playing for money, test the slot in demo mode. This is the free version of the aviator aposta game. It has full functionality and capabilities, but the provider provides chips for betting. The game ends as soon as the virtual balance reaches zero.

The demo mode will allow you to study the mechanics of the slot, check the returns, and test the bonus games. You can also practice various gaming strategies in it.

Use many lines

Winning combinations are formed on active lines. Classic slots have 3–25 lines, while modern ones have several hundred and sometimes thousands. In the latter, the chances of collecting a winning combination are much greater.

Give up the jackpot

As players’ experience shows, winning combinations in slot machines with progressive jackpots are rare. This is due to their high volatility. Therefore, place your bets on regular slots.

Play for fun

Betting at online casinos always involves high risks. Therefore, do not regard them solely as a tool for making money. Play for fun, and let winning be a pleasant addition.