The Most Common Sexual Problems

Erectile dysfunction problems are the most common sexual problems. In fact, they affect up to 60 million men.
Erectile dysfunction is defined as difficulty in getting or maintaining an erection prolonged enough to sustain sexual intercourse. While it is not uncommon for a man to have some problems with erections, progressive or habitual erectile dysfunction is not normal and should be treated. Modern medicine offers various erection pills and sexual enhancers.
Symptoms of erection dysfunction
First, erection problems can be a warning sign of cardiovascular disease. In fact, it can indicate that blockages are building up in a man’s vascular system. Additionally, some studies have shown that men with erectile dysfunction run a significant risk of heart attack, stroke, or circulatory problems.
Erectile dysfunction also causes:
- Low self-esteem
- Depression
- Distress for the man and his partner
If the failed erection is affecting a man’s well-being or his relationships, it needs to be adequately treated. The treatments are aimed at improving a man’s erectile function, circulatory health and overall quality of his sexual life.
Causes of Erectile Dysfunction
Sexual arousal in humans is a complex process involving the brain, hormones, emotions, nerves, muscles and blood vessels.
Erectile difficulty can be caused by a problem affecting one of these elements. Similarly, erectile dysfunction can be brought on by or made worse by stress and psychological issues. It can happen that a mix of physical and psychological problems cause erectile dysfunction. In fact, a physical condition that slows down the sexual response can lead to anxiety about maintaining an erection.
When does erectile dysfunction occur?
Failure to erect occurs when:
- There isn’t enough blood flowing into the penis. Many health problems can reduce blood flow into the penis (e.g. clogged arteries, heart disease, high blood sugar, and smoking)
- The penis cannot block blood during an erection. If the blood does not remain in the penis, the man cannot maintain an erection. You can experience this issue at any age.
- Nerve impulses from the brain or spinal cord do not reach the penis. Some diseases, injuries, or surgery in the pelvic area can damage the nerves in the penis.
- Diabetes can cause small vessel problems or nerve damage in the penis.
- Cancer treatments in the pelvis can affect the function of the penis. Surgery and / or radiation for tumors in the lower abdomen or pelvis can in fact cause erectile dysfunction. Treatment of prostate, colorectal, or bladder cancer often leaves men with erectile dysfunction
Physical causes of erectile dysfunction
In many cases, erection problems are caused by a physical problem.
Common causes include:
- Heart disease
- Blocked blood vessels (atherosclerosis)
- High cholesterol
- High blood pressure
- Diabetes
- Obesity
- Metabolic syndrome
- Parkinson’s disease
- Multiple sclerosis
- Some prescription drugs
- Use of tobacco
- Peyronie’s disease
- Alcoholism and other forms substance abuse. Etc
Psychological causes of erectile dysfunction
An erection is caused by a series of physical events that are largely controlled by the brain. Starting with the feelings of sexual arousal.
A number of things can in fact interfere with sexual feelings and cause, or worsen, the absence of an erection. These includes depression, anxiety, fatigue, relationship problems, stress at home or at work, concern for sexual performance.
Treatments for erectile dysfunction
For this type of problem, non-invasive treatments are usually tried first. The majority of the most popular treatments for erectile dysfunction are effective and secure. However, it is helpful to ask your doctor about any side effects that may result from each option.
Such treatments include:
Erectile dysfunction drugs
Men can consider a variety of products available on the market. Sildenafil Citrate is one of the most well-liked components, also presented in Viagra. The main component, PDE5 inhibitors, is in charge of enhancing circulation of the blood to the penis. Enough blood is now able to enter the cavernous body, resulting in long-lasting erection. Because Kamagra contains Sildenafil Citrate, which has a high level of effectiveness, is inexpensive, and has no side effects when used as directed, it is the best option for men with ED.
Kamagra is basically generic Viagra with better price and stronger effect. Erectile dysfunction is effectively treated with PDE5 inhibitors, which are widely available. You can buy Kamagra from any reliable internet pharmacy.
However, due to the potential for harmful interactions and side effects, not all men may choose to take these medications. It’s always good to talk to specialist before any self-medication.
Testosterone therapy
In those rare cases where low sex drive and low blood testosterone levels are responsible for erectile failure, testosterone therapy is used. This, in fact, can repair normal erections or help when combined with drugs for erectile dysfunction problems.
Surgical treatment
The most important surgical treatment for erectile dysfunction involves a penile implant , also called a penile prosthesis. Since penile vascular surgery is not recommended for older men who have failed oral PDE5 inhibitors, ICI or IU therapies, implants are the next step for these patients.
Penile implantation is an intervention that carries risks, but has the highest success and satisfaction rates among the treatment options for erectile dysfunction problems. It is a device that is inserted completely inside the body. They make the penis stiff which allows for normal intercourse.
This treatment is an excellent choice for enhancing intimacy and making relationships healthier and more fulfilling.
Prevention of erectile dysfunction
The best way to prevent lack of erection is to have a healthy lifestyle and treat any existing health conditions.
So we recommend that you to;
- Quit smoking, limit alcohol use, do not use drugs;
- Exercise regularly;
- Take steps to reduce stress;
- Visit your physician for routine examinations and health screenings;
- Seek help with anxiety, depression or other mental health problems.